entosiast – future looks brighter with insects
– Raise awareness – Break down reservations – Build up trust – Present innovation –

Thanks to successful pitches, things are moving forward at Barawa Farm.

With the support of UNDP and Save the Children Uganda, our project is taking a seven-mile step – from now on large quantities of Hermtia larvae can constantly be produced in the new greenhouse. 


In recent months, Chemutai Crispus Kamuyeke has been a strong supporter of our project "Raising Black Soldier Flies at Barawa Farm". With the experience from the first application rounds as well as some training sessions for successful pitching, he was able to convince the jury of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the delegation of the non-governmental organization (NGO) "Save the Children Uganda" of our approach.


Now the first subsidies have been disbursed and since then the premises of "Barawavalli Farm Investments Ltd" in Kapchorwa resemble a highly productive ant state. Within a very short time, the base area for the new greenhouse was cleared and after only two days, the basic structures of the new production facility could be seen. In the meantime, the first fly rearing cages, the so-called "love cages", have also been set up - so the busy mating and egg production of our black soldier flies can continue on seamlessly.


When the farm expansion is completed, Barawa Farm will be able to produce up to three tons of fresh insect larvae every month. This will then enable us to offer local pig and poultry farmers a regionally produced and affordable protein alternative for their animals on a permanent basis.


And the organic insect frass produced has already convinced the first customers: cabbage plants that they fertilize with the mixture of insect droppings, substrate residues, and chitin-containing body shells show stronger plant growth in a shorter time compared to conventional fertilizer.


entosiast is very much looking forward to being there and celebrating the grand opening of the farm expansion in January 2023.

